Everything is going wireless these days – from headphones to home alarms.

The question is: which type of system is better equipped to protect your home and family – a wired or wireless burglar alarm system?

Tried and true  or tech that’s new. Who’s your money on?  Read on for a side by side comparison by a security expert!

Ease of installation

A hard wired system will need cables in the walls or under the floors. This means a longer installation time but once it’s in, it’s in forever.

A wireless burglar alarm is much quicker to install. There’s no digging out walls and burying cables.

Wireless wins!

Running costs

Wired alarms costs pennies in electricity. A small price to pay for protection!

Wireless alarms need regular battery replacement to stay in shape.

Wired wins!


You can add to both systems as needs change. However, a wired alarm has to be carefully considered. It’s not always worth installing yards and yards of cable for one sensor. Wired alarm systems are permanent and great for forever homes or commercial premises.

Wireless security systems can have a sensor anywhere as long as the signal gets to the control panel. Built a conservatory or extension? Add as many as you need! You can also take it with you when you move. This makes it a great choice for renters or kids away at uni that you want to protect.

Wireless wins!


Both wired and wireless home alarms can accommodate pet friendly and zonal sensors. This means we can design a bespoke system, tailored to your family’s needs.
  • Let the dog roam while you’re on the school run
  • Protect the front door while you’re in the garden with the dog and kids
  • Once everyone’s home, protect all the external doors
  • From your smartphone app, switch downstairs on from your bed before a good night’s sleep!
It’s a draw!


Once upon a time, wired would have won this test. Hacking concerns put people off choosing the wireless option.

The advanced alarm technology on the market now has greatly reduced the threat of someone hacking your wireless alarm! You don’t hear your radio buzzing when a mobile call is coming in anymore do you?

The systems MTS use are top notch. You won’t suffer interference from baby monitors, power lines, remote controls etc. Both systems need regular maintenance to stay tip-top condition but be certain that anything MTS provide can be relied on.

It’s another draw!

So what’s the best burglar alarm?

Wireless systems usually win when compared to it’s wired counterpart. Technology is advancing – the features you can get from wireless alarms are expanding every year!


Every home is different and only a professional can give you their expert advice. Put it this way – you can Google symptoms and try to self diagnose yourself with an illness… OR you can go straight to the doctor with years of experience and get the right medicine, first time.

The same goes for your home security system.

To cut through the noise and get the best home protection for your family, you need a FREE security survey from MTS.

As part of our SSAIB accreditation we offer free, no obligation home visits to assess your property and design a system that addresses your needs. Whether that’s:

  • A zonal alarm to protect the nursery upstairs while you catch up on Corrie in the lounge
  • A pet friendly alarm that protects your home while allowing Ol Charlie Boy to roam freely
  • A smart alarm that can be controlled from your phone, from anywhere in the world!

What next?

What’s the best way to find the best burglar alarm for your home and family? Get in touch to arrange your FREE home security survey ASAP!